Thursday, April 22, 2010


Irises in bloom for the first time in front of my house. Three varieties have come up so far. I have more than that planted, but I disturbed a few by moving them from the back so I doubt they will bloom.
I love the way they look. There's an Iris farm by my parent's house (Argyle Acres). I've got plans to order a few more varieties for next year.
In situ: the newly renovated front garden. More flowers to come.

Fava Beans

First garden update of the year. The fava beans I planted last fall started coming up midwinter. Favas prefer cool weather and are very easy to grow. They are direct seeded into the garden, require no care or staking, produce beautiful foliage and fragrant white and black flowers, and start setting large pods in early spring.
We harvest our pods when they are large and plump. Today was the year's first harvest. You can leave the pods on the plant longer for dried beans, but the fresh ones are very tasty. Inside each pod is 3-5 large green beans. These beans are covered with a waxy coating that we remove by blanching in hot water before eating.
Fava blossom.

Snow Plant

Pretty picture from SLC ski trip in January.